
Banded Lapwings in a roadside field on the way home from O'Reilly's on 23 December.


Black-faced Monarch and female and male
in the garden
Black-shouldered Kite

This Buff-banded Rail with youngster and the Latham's Snipe were at the same
small swamp
- on different days
The following five photos are all from
another lake, and all on the one day:

click image to enlarge
Pink-eared Duck

Purple Swamphen

Red-necked Avocets, Plumed Whistling-ducks
and Purple Swamphen

Red-kneed Dotterels
Red-backed Fairywren showing both profiles
These three are in the garden at Abberton:

Rainbow Bee-eater

Little Friarbird - immature

Torresian Crow carefully dissecting a Cane Toad

Wedge-tailed Eagles in a dead tree, just up the road

White-throated Treecreeper

Yellow-rumped Thronbill

Singing Bushlark, not in the valley, but
about 30km away
click image to enlarge
Bush Thick-knees are fairly common in parks
around Brisbane.
These two are adjacent to a car-park on the University of Queensland
And five more from the garden at Abberton:

Bar-shouldered Dove

Rainbow Lorikeet
Scaly-breasted Lorikeet

Striped Honeyeater feeding on Grevillea
2006 - Some breeding birds
Brown Quail with young

White-winged Trillers, presently nesting here
2006 - Spring birds
Immature Pallid Cuckoo
This young Pallid Cuckoo was feeding from
a roadside vantage point.
When I stopped to take the photograph, I found an adult Pallid Cuckoo,
Rufous Songlark,
White-winged Triller and Striated Pardalote all close by.
Channel-billed Cuckoo
Channel-bills are very active and noisy at
present. Around here, they parasitise Torresian Crows,
which are regularly seen flailing in pursuit of them as they criss-cross the
looking and sounding positively Jurassic.
click image to enlarge

Nankeen Kestrel
Spangled Drongo and Restless Flycatcher in
the garden
Two Glossy Ibis and a Royal Spoonbill

Black-winged Stilt and Yellow-billed Spoonbill
Wandering Whistling-duck
Red-kneed Dotterel

click image to enlarge
Male Galah
Take a close look at Galahs and you will
see that the males have brown eyes,
and the females pink. They pair for life, and when, for example, ten
Galahs fly by
they're often clearly discernible as five pairs of birds.
When I see two individuals feeding in the garden together, I routinely check
out their eye colour
and nearly always find that they are male and female. Given that Galahs in
the wild
have a longevity estimated from 15 years to 40 years, it is fascinating to
that two such birds could easily be an established couple of several decades,
travelling through a long life together.
Three Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos have been
here for a few days
We get Red-tailed Black Cockatoos year round, and Glossy Black Cockatoos
from time to time,
but Yellow-tails are unusual in the valley, though less so on the
The last time we had them here at Abberton was in 1989.
Just now, a pair of Grey Shrike-thrushes are
spending a lot of every day calling to each other
on and around the verandahs. It's a joy to hear them every day
- I can't think of a more melodious and beautiful bird call.
These Apostlebirds were huddled together on
two adjacent branches of the same tree on a windy day.
Eight in one row, four in the other - appropriately, twelve in all.
Spectacled Monarch and Rainbow Bee-eater -
both spring arrivals at Abberton
A pair of Striated Pardalotes have excavated
their nest hole in an earth bank right alongside
where I often park my car - so to get this photo, I just wound the window
down, and waited!
Regulars year-round, Eastern Whipbird
and White-throated Honeyeater
A lone Freckled Duck has been on a local lake
for a month or so
The branch in the middle is of course a Tawny
- this one isn't far from a nest that is under construction
Eastern Yellow Robin (left) and Jacky Winter
- two of our pretty little Australian flycatcher/robins

Ground Cuckoo-shrikes
Whistling Kite (left) and Black Kite (right)
- both at Abberton
Our first Red-capped Robin this winter
click image to enlarge
This Southern Boobook has taken to roosting
close to the house recently
Collared Kingfisher
Very blue - but a Collared Kingfisher for
all that. I watched this bird hunting in the mangroves
for some time, and was amazed at the brilliance of the blue in its wings and
click image to enlarge
Striated Heron, Crested Tern and Whimbrel -
all close to Brisbane Airport
Rainbow Lorikeet (left) and Musk Lorikeet
Paradise Riflebird
There are a few rainforest locations nearby
where Paradise Riflebirds can be found.
This male was in a tree immediately adjacent to one of the picnic areas
Bunya Mountains National Park
- and a Russet-tailed Thrush (below) was
not far away
Two Wedge-tailed Eagles, both with road-kill
The bird on the left is a darker mature adult, that on the right not yet in
full adult plumage.
Pied Currawong and Bush Stone-curlew are both
more regular uprange, at nearby Toowoomba
Four waterbird spp at the same waterhole
Yellow-billed Spoonbill, Royal Spoonbill, Magpie Goose and Red-necked Avocet
Tawny Frogmouth in the garden after dark
This Brown Goshawk came down to the rock
pool outside my window
just a few minutes ago.
It is one of two immature Goshawks that have been around for a few weeks
now, but
it's the first time that one has come down to the rock. Only time to grab
the camera, point and press.
Didn't dare move the venetian blinds, so photographed through them
and through the window pane,
just got the one shot before he lifted off - but got him.
Young Black-winged Stilt

Immature Brown Goshawk
Eastern Grey Kangaroo
Eastern Yellow Robin
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Pink-eared Duck
Red-tailed BlackCockatoo

Spangled Drongo
Barred Cuckoo-shrike
Common Bronzewing

Immature Collared
Female Leaden Flycatcher
Black-eared Cuckoo in the garden
Blue Bonnet
came across two Bluebonnets this-afternoon, 11 January, not far from home.
first saw them in flight, then watched them in a tree for about 40
and got quite a few photos.
Common Koel
Hot January weather makes the birdbaths
especially popular
click image to enlarge
Immature and adult Little Friarbird
Chestnut-breasted Mannikin and Silvereye